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School Projects


Study of electrocromic glass in the context of building thermal regulation
In the video above you can see an electrocromic glass on which a tension is applied, first we apply -5V on the circuit to decolor the glass, then 5V is applied to recolor it. The glass is in a montage with Arduino to automatize it. The objective was to measure the efficiency of solar radiation absorption to see if this solution was viable and could replace a climate control unit.
TIPE's slides
Made in collaboration with Achille SCIACCO

OCAML compiler

I'm currently making an OCAML compiler for a simple language that includes functions, rationals, pointers global and static variables etc...
To the project
Made in collaboration with Quentin POINTEAU

Hagimule : peer-to-peer download simulation

Hagimule is a project that implements parallel download of fragments of files to speed up the process. The project structure is simple: Clients, which are represented by two entities, a downloader that makes the request for the download of the different files and a daemon that is capable of sending particular parts of the files asked for download. A Diary that saves all the files disponibles on the different clients that saves all the files disponibles on the different clients.
To the project
Made in collaboration with Quentin POINTEAU


This is a little school project that consist on sending keyboard inputs to a FPGA and resend it to the computer in order to print it in an terminal.
Here is the FPGA card that we use : Nexys 4 ddr
FPGA nexys 4 ddr To the project
Made in collaboration with Quentin POINTEAU


I have created this eportfolio from scratch using HTML and CSS (and very little JS) during the Soft and Human Skill course.
To the project